If you are confronted with the impending passing of a relative, early professional financial advice can help the whole family to rest easy at a difficult time. Over the last 20 years we’ve developed a detailed understanding of matters which, when properly attended to, can make a big difference to the individual who is passing and for those who will go on.
If you’re faced with this situation we can help you:
• Ensure Estate documents have been properly documented to avoid complex, expensive and lengthy estate administration;
• Best organise the money to benefit chosen beneficiaries whilst protecting any vulnerable beneficiaries from previous partners;
• Coordinate details with superannuation providers, employers and life insurers to ensure the right steps are taken before and after passing to best reduce taxation which could otherwise be substantial;
• Ensure legal and accounting fees for Estate administration are efficient; and
• With support and guidance so there is no last minute running around or regrets when it is too late.
Often people have Wills in place however in our experience it is not until later in life or when the unthinkable happens that proper planning is done to make sure ones financial house is in order. If you have questions on your situation please give us a call for an initial conversation.